Breathing Space: A Sci-Fi Western Audio Anthology
The void is cold, but not lonely.
1 month ago

S4E20 - You Can Hear the Whistle Blow

Content Warnings

** Mom... it isn't like that. I love you. And working with you! ...You've been so helpful and supportive and... and it's wonderful. But, I just... I need to try. It's time for me to do it myself.

They say that our families know us best. Maybe that’s a good thing for some people, but Clarity Mariesdottir, of the Peregrination ship Words in the Heart Cannot Be Taken her family didn’t know her quite so well, because then maybe they’d let her live her own life. In an attempt to prove she is a competent adult, Clarity arranges to go on a scouting mission to a nearby station, where she meets someone who shows her that sometimes, the person your family sees is not actually who you are.

** The Cast

  • Clarity Mariedottir is voiced by Daisy McNamara
  • Marie Pearlsdottir is voiced by Mab
  • Nadira Gotfried is voiced by Rae Lundberg
  • Bek is voiced by Kirsty Woolven
  • Pityr is voiced by Taylor Michaels
  • Tati is voiced by Elijah Harper
  • Hobnail is voiced by Rose Williams
  • Weasel is voiced by Kasha Mika
  • Kato is voiced by Lou Sutcliffe


This episode was written & directed by Ash Seguinte, & edited by Erik Seguinte. It was transcribed by Nigel McKeon.


Click here for the episode’s script.


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Our theme music was composed & arranged by Michael Freitag written by Scott Paladin, and vocals by Jeremiah. Breathing Space is a Law of Names production.

© This work is copyrighted by Law of Names Media, 2023 It may be freely adapted and remixed for non-commercial use with attribution to the original creators. The unaltered material may not be shared or distributed for any purpose without written permission from Law of Names Media.

For adaptations and derivative works, please include the following: Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space. All rights reserved.